Cafe OLU

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

食べちゃった。Oops, I ate it.

さっき英語でダイエットの記事を書いたのだけれど、食べてしまった、チョコレート。チョコレート、甘い物はあんまり好きではないので、甘い物は自分の食べたい物、食べたいときにしか食べないけど、最近はまっているのは、Chuao Chocolatierのチリの入ったダークチョコレートと、フランスのValrhona社のダークチョコレート。オランダの友達が遊びに来た時に、ショッピングでモールに行った時たまたまChuaoに行って、そのときにこのチリのチョコレートが試食出来たので、ちょっと食べてみたら、”おいしかった”。ということで、あーちゃんと二人でこのチョコレートバーを買うことに。毎日一片づつ食べている。 Valrhona社のチョコレートは、あーちゃんがソフトウェアのリリースできたことのお祝いに、あーちゃんの会社のあーちゃんのグループの人だけ呼んで、BBQした時に、ある一人の人がこのチョコレートを持ってきてて、一口パクリしたら、おいしかった。それからはまってしまった。チョコレートは嫌いなのに、この二つとメキシカンほっとチョコレートは別物だ。やばいな~、ダイエットしているのに。でも、過激なダイエットはしてないからいいことにしよう。

I just wrote about our effort of losing weight but I just ate chocolate... A-chan is still working and I am bored at home by myself. When I am in school, I am as busy as him or busier than he is but now I am not. So I tend to be bored when he is not at home. Hmm, I guess I am making it his fault. I like neither sweets nor chocolate. So I eat only sweets I like and only when I want. But lately I found two sweets I like. One from San Diego local chocolatier, CHUAO. I like Dark Chocolate Bar infused with pasilla chile and cayenne pepper from CHUAO. The other is Le Noir Extra Amer from Valrhona. Chocolate with chile is really good. I am not sure if Mexican people eat this type of chocolate but this is nice with sweetness of chocolate and a little bit of spiciness of chiles. It sort of remind me of Mole but this one is much sweeter than Mole. Or maybe not if someone who loves sweets make Mole. Dark Chocolate from Valrhona is the most bitter chocolate I ever had. I like darkness of chocolate. So I think this is nice chocolate to me but if you don't like dark one, this won't be your favorite. Well, bottom line, it is hard to control my appetite. But I am not on a super diet. The way I lose weight or fat is by eating healthy and exercise. I am against Protein diet or stuff like that. Well, I will take some time to lose my fat...


The other day, A-chan wanted to eat Krispy Kreme. So we went there to buy half dozen of donuts. ... In USA, it is easy to gain weight because restaurants, junk food places open late so that we can go whenever we want. ... Dangerous ... Well, we can't refuse our appetite.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's my dilemma too, dear lisa...actually also because last month my gym course ended because it's too hot for being closed in a room practicing a sport but i'm too lazy to go jogging and when i'm bored i eat dark chocolate, just to cultivate sdome spots on my cheeks...:-)

6:34 AM  
Blogger bereweber said...

hi lisa, i am very curious about that chocolate with chile! i have never tried it, i am really curious, yes it sounds like mole mix
on gaining weight and loosing it, well you know i have problems with that and that i eat a lot and don't have a real discipline, but the best advice you told me once i think is: "is on the portions" i think you can eat everything you want but just in small doses, if you crave chocolate then maybe your system needs the sugar but don't eat the whole thing! just a bit :)

5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Raffa. You like chocolate, huh. I guess I will send this chocolate when the temperature isn't so hot. I am sure now it is very warm in Sicily. I assume it is not good to go out for jogging now there, huh.

9:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Bere. Thank you for visiting here. I will get the chocolate for you. Now I live in the nothern part of S.D., CHUAO is closer and I can go there easily. Yes, you are right, so long as we eat a small portion, we should gain weight. I don't eat massive amount of food but we do when we eat out. That is the time I have to be careful. At home, I eat healthy food and normal portion. I try not to be obsessed with losing weight but I have a lot of fat... I have to lost fat... for my health...

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Lisa,i love all kind of chocolate, but i have never tried it with chile... I can eat chocolate every day and I don't worry about it! Monika

7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Monika! I am so happy to see you here. The chocolate with Chile is really good. It is not that spicy. First sweetness comes and at the end, spiciness of chile leave on my tongue. When the weather is not so hot, I will send this one to you, maybe in winter.

2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:27 PM  

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