ダイエット 男性と女性の違い
ダイエット中の私達。気づいたのは、あーちゃんはアメリカでは"Love Handles" または"Spare Tire" と呼ばれるお腹の横の贅肉がつきやすい。 というか、ついている。後ろから見ると本当にタイヤを腰の周りにつけたみたいに横のところだけぷくっと出ている。そんなには目立たないけど。私はというと、お腹の前、下腹辺りに贅肉がつきやすく、私には”Love Handles”はない。でも、3段腹になってしまう。あーちゃんは3段腹ではありません。お尻も私はたくさんFATが貯蓄されているが、あーちゃんのお尻はプリンプリンで、UP。FATなんて言葉は想像できないお尻。やっぱり男と女、西洋人、東洋人、ラテン系、黒人と、やっぱり体系が違う。スタイルは悪くても、健康であればいいと思う今日この頃。ちなみに、私達はほぼ毎日あーちゃんと私の健康のため、散歩してるよ。
As you guys know, we try to lose weight and fat by eating healthy and walking almost everyday for an hour to two hours. Lately I realized that A-chan has "Love Handles" or sometimes called "Spare tire" on his waist line. From behind, it really looks like he is wearing a tire around his waist. But in his case, it is not obvious. As for me, I have more fat on front and lower part of my belly. I don't have "Love Handles". My butt stored a lot of fat too but A-chan's is not. His buttocks are nice and don't relate to the word of FAT. Obviously men and women store fat in different places and also how we store fat depends on where we live and where we are from. But in the end, I think so long as we are healthy, we should be happy. By the way, we go for a walk almost everyday for our health.
spare tire, ahahah, so fun!!!
I understand you perfectly! My M. loves food and when he gets weight his belly grows but his buttocks and legs are quite good as usual while i know what you mean about us. We female start to seem more like pears*_*
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