Cafe OLU

Monday, September 18, 2006

First week of school

I was so sick last night. Thinking of going back to school makes me sick. I really don't want to go bakc to school but in order to finish it, I just have keep going. No matter what, I keep going in order to finish school. Life is always like that, we just have to keep going. I love chemistry but I am just getting tired of being student. Tired of feeling being always chased by school. Too much to do. I feel sick especially this quarter because I have four science classes, one Chem lab and three chem lectures. I know this is too much but I will try and see if I can make it. If not, just drop one of them. Because of this heavy load in school, I won't be obsessed with getting As. I will work as hard as I can. That is all I will do this quarter. This was what I was thinking last night.

This morning, I woke up at 6AM and got ready to go to school. Ten minutes before the lab starts, I am waiting in front of lab room. 5 minutes passed, noboby show up. I am getting freaking out. Where are the people? Where is our TA? If we don't show up on the first day of lab, we will be automatically dropped from the class. I didn't want to be dropped. I was getting really worried. One girl I know from the other class showed up. So I asked her if she is looking for a room for same Chemistry lab room. She was and we were talking and waiting. Nobody showed up by 9AM, which the time the class should start. So we got concerned and went to the library where we can use PC. We checked online and found out that the class will start from 25th of Sep. I felt I was stupid. I didn't read the little red sentences in the schedule. We headed to the library since both of us had another classes.

I went to get a bottle of water on the way to library and she went to the post office. So we said good bye to each other.

When I got to the library, I checked the schedule again.

Fall quarter starts on 18 Sep.
Instruction starts on 21 Sep.

Ops, I didn't see that. I thought classes starts from today but it wasn't. It is a good news but I felt stupid. I felt I wasted my time!!!!!!!

I thought it was strange this year because usually the school starts from Thurs., not Monday. damn. ha ...

Oh well, at least I got three more days to rest before school starts.

I appreciate that she was there today. Otherwise I was totally freaking out in front of the lab.


Blogger bereweber said...

oh lisa! that is such a nice mistake :)
i am sure you were relieved when you realized you were 3 days earlier
i think you should just rest and enjoy those 3 days free you got :)

hugs and thanks for coming on Saturday and for lunch ;) it was very nice to see you!

3:12 PM  

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