Cafe OLU

Friday, September 29, 2006

Long Monday

I have long Monday this quarter. I have to stay in school from 9am to 9pm. My first class, which is lab starts at 9am and my last class ends at 9pm. I didn't like having a class that late but I couldn't take any other classes because they were already full. So I went to 9pm class last Monday. There are supposed to be more than 20 people in the class but since it is late class, most people went to other section as my TA told us. Not many people want to stay in school that late. Before I went to the class, I thought the same but now I prefer 9pm class. It is not that bad. I can stay in library to study till the class and the class isn't packed. So I feel comfortable in the class. I also like to walk in the quiet campus at night with cool air to clear my mind from all the study before I go to sleep. At night, the deer was on the street close to my place. I usually see deers as a group but that night the deer was along, standing on the street. I was worried that the car behind me would realize and not hit the deer. I checked the car in the mirror. Luckily he realized and didn't hit the deer. I like seeing bunnies, deers around our place. They are so cute. I hope they stay along here as long as they can.


Blogger bereweber said...

hi Lisa!
i finish reading this now
I am glad you stay late at school and enjoy the empty parking lot and campus at night, yes, it refreshes your mind i bet

and i didn't read before about the deer! that is so cool! i am glad you saw him and yes i hope there are more around

it is funny but now that i live in San Diego, i see sometimes outside my door small animals, raccoons or possums (i don't like possums that much) or squirrels and hummingbirds, i think we are lucky to live in an enough big city to have all the comforts but also in a small enough city to see nature life jumping close to your backyard

thanks a lot for coming last night Lisa, was nice to see you for a bit


2:55 PM  

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