Cafe OLU

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Things I learned: Arroz in Mexico メキシコについて

Last night we visited a friend of ours. We bought Lebanese food. We had a nice time together. When we were talking, I learned something interesting about Mexico again. (Our friend is American but grew up in Mexico city and Guadalajara.)
As some of you guys know, I love carbohydrate but only rice, flat bread and pasta. I don't like potato and bread/sandwich so much. (I can eat some potato dish.) I eat them when someone puts them in front of me. Last night she made very nice rice with tomato chicken bouillon. It was so good. By the way, I think this particular bouillon is used mostly in Mexico because I have never seen it in Japan or USA, except places where a lot Mexicans are.
When I was eating the rice, I told her that I don't like eating two carbohydrate together, like rice and potato, tortilla and rice. And she said "Oh, like tacos de arroz(tacos with rice). In Mexico people with less money eat it." I thought it was very interesting. I didn't know about it. I learned again something about Mexico. When I learn about another country, I am really happy.
In Japan, we have this typical dish, called Nikujaga, which is potato and beef stew like thing seasoned with soy sauce and sugar. This dish comes up with rice since we eat a bowl of rice every Japanese style dinner. I hated it because I don't like potato but also it is served with rice. I don't like having two staple at the same time. I used to say in Japan that I don't like Nikujaga because potato is carbohydrate and it is too much that I have to eat it with rice. Then they looked at me as if I am crazy or they didn't get what I was talking about. I think in Japan, potato is treated like veggies. Here people eat potato like we eat rice. If I was in Mexico, I probably eat rice and tortilla separately, not wrap rice with tortilla. I am not sure why I don't like it but I really don't like when some of Mexican restaurant put rice in torilla. Maybe I am just being very picky...

メキシコではすごく小さいサイズのタコスなのに対し、アメリカのタコスは結構サイズも大きい。トルティーヤにチーズが入ったケセディーヤもメキシコのはサイズが小さく、使っているチーズも違う。こっちのは馬鹿でかい。いつかメキシコシティー、カンクン、ワハカ(そうでーす、Diego Luna, Gael Garcia Bernalが出てくる、過激映画Y Tu Mama Tambienに出てくるワハカです。)、グアダラハラに行って、本当のメキシコ料理が食べてみたい。いつもはティファナ、ロザリトで、済ませてしまうので。


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