I have been having Burdock since the end of last year. One of the dish I made for New Year's day required burdock. When I went to Japanese supermarket, they sold three roots of burdock in one back. So I ended up buying three long burdock. (I am not sure if Japanese supermarkets still do but when I lived there, they usually sell vegetables in a bag so that we can't get amount we want.)
I used half root of burdock for a miso soup, I used one root of burdock for Chikuzen ni, braized vegetable with chicken and half root burdock for Sake Lees soup. I am cooking the last burdock with thinly sliced pork and egg. By now I feel I ate one year worth of burdock. I don't like the taste of burdock except burdock chips that my father often buys it for me when he goes to hot springs where it is often sold. I feel like I was attacked by burdock.
I am always surprised by some of my non-Japanese friends because they like burdock dish whenever I make. I guess it was my imagination that most people don't like burdock. In fact, I guess it is only me who don't like it around me. I definitely thought most western people don't like the taste but they enjoy Kinpira Gobo. Or were they just being nice to me who made Burdock dish. But they probably enjoy it because they haven't seen the vegetable? I am not sure.
Lately there are tons of Japanese restaurants in San Diego but when most Americans say they like Japanese food, I have to ask them what exactly they like because most of them they don't mean real Japanese but they mean Americanized Japanese food. I can think of only one person who can eat REAL Japanese food that my parents or grandma make, yes, it is you, Bere. Though Sake is getting popular, I don't really see people who really drink Sake a lot like they drink Wine. Still Asian food is Bizarre tastes? I think so. I guess Japanese people really love eating and cooking compare to other people.
I have been cooking Japanese food for a while now. I think Alex is getting tired of it, maybe... I will start cooking more western food soon since I don't have any Japanese veggies left in my fridge. I am wondering Alex has been munching on Synder's pretzels, Hot Buffalo Wing because he is sick of Japanese food and wants to eat western food...
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